Real Brides: Rebecca

My husband, Jason, and I met on Bumble! After connecting, we found out some fun facts about ourselves - we are both boy/girl twins, lived across the street from each other in college and didn't know each other, and we also have a younger sister the same age. I moved back to Austin (my hometown) after grad school and Jason moved to Austin for law school - it would take us 10 years to finally meet even though we were in the same area for a number of years. I knew my dress was "the one" because I had been to five other dress boutiques around the Austin area and although every dress I tried on was beautiful, I felt like I had seen each dress before as if each dress was meant for someone else. Each boutique asked me what I was looking for and my answer was "something elegant, fun, and unique" and the beautiful beading of this dress caught my eye initially; when I tried it on I immediately knew it was my dress! It felt like Cinderella - I just knew it was for me. I had my mom, sister, and grandmother with me and when the curtain was pulled back for them to see me in my dress, everyone teared up and all exclaimed, "that's the one!". It was a perfect ending to my dress journey. Photo by Addison Studios.
Bride Rebecca wore a Val Stefani Bridal style.
Rebecca  Photo Rebecca  Photo Rebecca  Photo